Student Registration Setting up Stripe/Creating a Stripe Payment Method

When creating a Stripe Payment Method within Arbiter Registration, you are automatically redirected to the Stripe website where you can either 'Create a New' or 'Log-in to an existing' Stripe account.

NOTE: A payment method created under a specific program will be available for use on all of your organization's programs.

For information about Stripe Fees, view this help article: Arbiter Registration - Stripe Fees


1. Login to your Arbiter Registration (formerly FamilyID) account and select Programs from the blue navigation bar at the top of the screen.

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2. Select the Edit button associated with an existing program.

3. From the program editing wizard, select tab 6 for Payment.

4. Select the blue Create New Payment Method button.

5. Choose STRIPE from the drop-down, name your payment method, and select the blue Save button.

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6. Once saved,Once saved, click on Account must be authorized. 

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7. You will be redirected to the Stripe website where you can either create a Stripe account
or log-in to an existing one. Once complete, you'll be brought back into Arbiter
Registration (FamilyID) with the new payment method ready for use.

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8. You will then be able to setup your Payment Schedule for your program. You can choose
to allow registrants to pay a minimum deposit at the time of submitting their registration
or require payment in full at the time of registration. Once you have your Payment Schedule Setup, please be sure to click SAVE.

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