Scheduling Events

Adding an Event

An event in ArbiterGame is a non-athletic event that is hosted by the school. Examples include: pep rallies, plays, assemblies, dances, classes, field trips and more.

  1. Sign into your school's ArbiterGame account on
  2. Click on the Schedule tab.
  3. Click Add New in the top-right corner and select New Other Event.
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  1. Enter a Title for event.
  2. Select the Event Type from the drop-down menu.
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  1. Select the site and subsite from the location drop-down menus to indicate where the event is taking place.
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  1. Select if this is a Single Event, Recurring Weekly, or click Custom Dates to select multiple dates for the event.
    1. Single Event:
      1. Enter the Date, Time, and Duration of the event.
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  1. Recurring Weekly:
    1. Select the days of the week when the event is occurring.
    2. Enter the date of when the event will start.
    3. Enter the date of when the event will end.
    4. Enter the time the even starts and the duration (how long the event will be).
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  1. Custom Dates:
    1. Using the calendar, select the dates in which the event will occur.
    2. Select the time the event starts and the duration (how long the event will be).
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  1. Optionally, you may enter additional details or notes regarding the event in the Event Notes box.
  2. If you school needs to book a facility or needs transportation for the event, click the "Required" checkbox next to Facility Request and/or Transportation Request. Enter the details accordingly.
  3. Click Create Event or Create Event & New at the bottom.

Click here to learn how to schedule event workers to your event(s).


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