Standard Distances
Group Customized Distance
Due to our integration of third-party software, our postal code to postal code distance calculations may occasionally be off. It is important to know that if it is off in one group, it will be off in all other groups that you use. If you would like to update this calculation to be a number that is more correct, you may do so by completing the following:
- Click on the Resources tab.
- Click on the Distances sub-tab.
- Select the Starting Postal Code using the drop-down. This will update the list of ending postal code options listed below so that they show the Distance between the two postal codes.
- If you desire to edit the distance, click on the mapquest text under the Edit Distance column.
Two pop-ups will display:
- First, a tab for mapquest (managed by mapquest) that will try to find the exact distance between the two zip codes.
- Second, a tab for Arbiter asking for the distance in miles. Enter the amount in the Mapquest Distance box. You are welcome to use other Distance calculation tools (like Google Maps) to determine this distance if you prefer.
- Enter the distance and click Update.
- After this has been done, the distance will change. Keep in mind that in order for this to apply to any travel fees you have previously set up, you will need to Recalc Travel for those games with the postal codes you just updated.
- Click on the Schedule tab.
- Create a filter for the games with the postal codes you just updated. Refer to our Filtering Games article for further help with creating a game filter.
- Check the box to select the games you need to update.
- Under Utilities on the left side, click Recalc Travel. This utility will recalculate all of the travel fees for the games in the filter.
If you would like the distances to be changed for your group only to show a more specific distance, choose Group Customized Distances.
- Click on the Resources tab.
- Click on the Distances sub-tab.
- Click on Group Customized Distance at the top under Distances.
- Select the starting postal code.
- Choose the ending postal code and click on the edit pencil located to the left of the postal code number.
- Enter the new distance in the Distance Column.
- Click on the blue floppy disk icon to save it.
If you need to reset a distance back to what it originally was, click on Reset to Standard under the Custom column on the right side of the postal code.
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