One way messages may be sent to the Account Owners' emails for the Participants in your Reports - Direct from within the Arbiter Registration Mobile App!
'One way' means that the recipients may not send you a direct reply to these messages, so be sure to use this feature as an announcement tool. Good examples may be: a blanket message that practice is canceled due to poor weather, or a location change for an event.
- 1. Select Messages on the bottom of the screen, to see all of your reports which have been message-enabled by your organization.
- 2. Select any of your existing reports to view messages that have been previously sent or choose New Message to send a message.
- 3. After selecting New Message, you will be brought to a screen where you will be prompted to type a subject and message.
- 4. You will then need to select Choose Recipients to select the recipients of the message. You can either select all of the participants by clicking on the checkbox on the top or select individual participants by placing a check in the box on the right. Once you have chosen your recipients, you can send your message by selecting Send or review your message by clicking on Back to message.
- 5. After you have sent your message, you will be brought back to the Messages tab where you can read your message, see who received the message, and view the message details.
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