Student Registration - Paying for Multiple Registrations at Once

If you have multiple registrations that have been answered completely and are in a Not Submitted status, you will be able to pay for all of them at once.

To pay for multiple registrations at once, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Arbiter Registration account and select Registrations on the blue navigation bar.

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2.  Locate the Not Submitted registration and select the Edit or Complete button. 

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3. If online payment is available, click Pay & Submit.

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4. This will bring you to My Cart. If you have multiple registrations, you will see the green box that says ‘You Have x Additional Saved Registrations(s). Click HERE to View and Add to Cart.'

If you haven't started a registration, you can select Register another person on the top of the page to begin registration for a second participant.
You will then be able to pay for multiple registrations once they are saved in a Not Submitted Status. 

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5. When you click on the underlined portion of the message, a pop-up box will appear with any registrations in a status where they can be selected and added to the cart.

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6. After adding your registrations to your cart, click Proceed to Payment.
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7.  Depending on how your organization accepts online payment, Proceed to Payment may present different options. Please continue until you have completed all steps and are brought back to a payment confirmation page. You will also receive an email confirmation of payment. 

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