How To Delete Evaluation Responses

If you need to delete any officials or games from your group, all Evaluation records tied to that official or game (if any) must be deleted first. (Please note, this is only applicable to groups licensed for game evaluations.)
  1. Sign in to your Admin group on
  2. Go to the Reports tab.
  3. Click on the Evaluations sub-tab.
  4. Click on the Evaluation that you need to delete responses for.
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  1. Click Monitor.
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  1. If you want to delete all evaluations, click Mass Delete located on the left side under the Utilities section.
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  1. If you want to delete a specific evaluation to be able to delete a game or official from your group...
    1. Delete evaluations related to a specific game:
      1. Click on the Game filter at the top.
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  1. In the first column, you will find the game number if you want to view the responses for a specific game.
  2. Click on the number in the Completed column next to the game in question.
  3. Click the red "X" on the left side next to each evaluation tied to that game to delete.
  1. Delete evaluations related to a specific official:
    1. Click on the Official filter at the top.
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  1. Go to the official in questions and click on the number in the Completed column next to their name.
  2. Click the red "X" on the left side next to each evaluation.


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