Student Registration - Create an Offline Payment Option: Link to Online Payment Processor of Your Choice / Other Payment Instructions

If you wish to collect payment for your programs, but are not using MySchoolBucks, PayPal, or Stripe as your payment processor of choice, you may create an Offline Payment Method.This will allow you to link any online payment processor to FamilyID by adding their URL to your payment instructions. Registrants will be directed to your payment link as soon as they have submitted their registration on FamilyID. You may also create an Offline Payment Method to provide other payment instructions for families - such as paying by cash or check or in-person.

PLEASE NOTE: Electing to create an Offline Payment Method means that our software cannot automatically track and report if the payment has been successfully been made by your families. For this reason, the Balance Due will continue to reflect the total amount originally due, even after payment has been made. As the organization, you may manually mark the registration as PAID to acknowledge your receipt of funds, and the families will see that you have marked it PAID, but the Balance Due will remain unchanged. If you wish, you may select an option which will hide the Balance Due on these registrations to help prevent confusion.

1. Log in to your FamilyID account and select Programs from the blue navigation bar at the top of the screen.

2. Click the Edit button next to the program you want to update. This will direct you to the Program Editing Wizard

3. Select tab 6 in the Program Wizard labeled Payment and select the  Create New Payment Method   

4. Select Other Method from the dropdown menu. Enter the payment name, instructions, and (if applicable) your payment link URL. Click Save when you have entered all the necessary information.

5. Notice that the option Display balance details when this payment method is used is checked off by default. Keeping this option enabled will result in families seeing the total Balance Due remain in theirSummary, even after they have submitted the registration. If once a family has completed registration you wish for the Balance Due to disappear from their Summary, please de-select this option.

6. Make certain the payment method is checked off and select Save or Save & Continue. This will now be added to your program. 


What the families see:

The new payment method will appear like this on your registration form: 

After families select the blue SUBMIT button, the following message will appear and once the family selects OK, they will be redirected to the online payment site you have linked to.



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