Brightly Integration

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What is Brightly?
Is your school district already a Brightly client?
Understanding an Error – ConnectArbiter

What is Brightly?

Brightly’s services help school districts save time and money through more efficient
management of facilities (FSDirect), transportation scheduling (TripDirect), and more.
When integrated with ArbiterGame, the locations, dates, times, and needs of all athletic
events are seamlessly provided to the district for even more streamlined results.

For further details visit


Is your school district already a Brightly client?

Have your district contact their Brightly representative today and request integration
with ArbiterGame.

Click the link below for more instructions about setting up the Integration between Brightly and your ArbiterGame account.
Brightly Integration

1. Ensure that you are the Admin profile type on the FSDirect product.

2. If you are unable to get a Trip Request or Schedule Request over to Brightly you can Check your Data Transfer Log in the ConnectArbiter Application on Brightly.

An Error is indicated by a red circle with a white exclamation point (!) in it and is in the Error column. 
This portion of support should be handled by Brightly, but they may ask us for input on why the error was received.

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Understanding an Error – ConnectArbiter
1. By clicking on the View Detail link next to a Schedule or Trip that has an Error you will be given a modal with an Error Message box.  You will want to locate the section of the message that has the tags of <message> </message>
2. This will give you more information on why the Trip or Schedule did not import correctly.
3. In this instance the Error was thrown because the Trip return was earlier that the Trip Depart time.

Note: This portion of support should be handled by Brightly, but they may ask us for input on why the error was received.

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Click the link below to access our PowerPoint with further details about integrating with SchoolDude.


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