Setting Up Default Permissions

How to check the status of default permission sets, and update/apply them:

  1. As the primary administrator, or any sub-admin with the capability to update permissions for other users, go to the Settings tab.
  2. Under Settings, click on the Permissions sub-tab.
  3. Next, click on the link to the upper-left for Advanced under the heading Default Permissions, which should bring you to the Default Permissions page for all 3 user types.
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  1. Select the User Type (Group Admin, Officials, Contacts) on the left side.  Allow the page to refresh.
  2. Review the full list of permissions, and enable or disable the relative permissions you want for that user type by using the "yes" / "no" drop-down.
  3. To save, click the Update button, located under the heading "By Permissions Set or by [User Type]."
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  1. If you wish to apply the default permissions you just set to the users (the list of users on the right side), simply select all names on the right side, then click the Apply button above to mass update the permission set to each of those users.
  2. Repeat steps 4-7 for each subsequent user type.
User-added image


The benefit of establishing default permission sets is in the even you routinely add new users, whether they be officials or contacts, you won't have to manually update their permissions, and are ensured they - at the very least - will be able to sign into your account, and view their page.  


As you can see, the drop-down box for Official Default, for example, also has a Registration Default set that qualifies when they complete a registration for your group.  Upon completion, they will get the same permissions as established in that permission set, including most commonly access to videos, tests, online rules books, etc.  These are most common for large, state office, or even national organizations that have Central HUB pages with Affiliate Page Content, such as the materials listed above.

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