Student Registration Using "People" Search

When logged in as an Organization, the blue bar at the top offers different tabs and features.

The People tab will take you to a search directory for all of your registrants. 

1. Type a name into the search boxes and select the blue Show Results button or scroll through the list. You can search for any part of the registrant name. You can also choose to see only those that have registered for certain programs. If selecting programs, your search will consist of the people who have registered for all of the selected programs.

2. After searching for a registrant, you will see a list of all registrants who meet that criteria.
3. Select the name of the person or the number under REGISTRATIONS.

4. Select the View  button or REGISTRATION DATE in blue and this will take you into that specific form. 

5. Scroll down to view the registration information. Select Edit in the top right corner of the page to make changes to the registration form, such as canceling a registration, update their section, change approval status, and/or add on selections, internal fields, etc. (You cannot change any participant information).

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