Syncing GotSoccer with ArbiterSports



To allow games to be imported from GotSoccer, you will need to update your account preferences as an ArbiterOne admin. 

  1. Log in as an admin on your ArbiterOne account.
  2. Go to Settings >> Preferences.
  3. Under the section "Admin," select "GotSoccer" from the "Import Games From" preference.
  4. Select the other preferences according to your needs (see "Optional Preferences" below).
  5. Click the "Save" button located at the top and bottom of the Preferences page.
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Note:  Currently you need to name your sport "Soccer" within ArbiterSports.  We are working on an update that will use the generic sport instead of the sport name, but for now you need to change the sport name to soccer. IT MUST BE SOCCER ONLY.

Optional Preferences

These preferences are located below the "Import Games From" preference box:

  1. Automatically import teams that are not already in my group - When checked, ArbiterOne will create a unique team if it does not recognize an imported team from your GotSoccer account.  For integration purposes, this is highly recommended as teams frequently change.
  2. Make the site on the game the default site for the home team - This preference is tied to the automatic importing of new teams.  When checked, the site where the home team is playing will become the default home site for the team on future games that you create in ArbiterOne.
  3. Send officials' data to partners once games are accepted - This preference allows ArbiterOne to send the assigned officials' information to GotSoccer after they have accepted the assignment.
    The following information is sent to GotSoccer:  Official Name, Official ID, Official Email, Official Primary Phone Number, Group ID, Slot Number (aka the assignment number on the game), Assignment Status, Date of Status, Game ID, Game Fee, Travel Fee, and Official's ArbiterPay Account Number.


Note:  All data is sent to GotSoccer using a 128-bit security encryption, which is a standard security measure among banks and other financial institutions.



To send games to ArbiterSports, please follow these steps on GotSoccer.

  1. Log in as an organization.
  2. Go to the Home tab. Click on My Account > Account Info. 
  3. In the lower right of the page there should be an area titled ArbiterSports Integration. If this does not appear, please contact GotSoccer support to have this enabled for your account. 
  4. If ArbiterSports Integration appears, make sure the “Show ArbiterSports Sync Tools” box is checked. 
  5. Input your group ID into the Default Group ID box, if you have one. 
  6. Save.
  7. Go to the League tab. 
  8. Click on the league schedule that you would like to sync to ArbiterSports. 
  9. Click on the Schedule for that league. 
  10. Click on the List View tab. The ArbiterSports Sync Tools will appear below to the search filters. 
  11. Use the search filters to list the games you would like to sync. Then verify the Group ID. 
  12. If you need to input a Group ID, type it into the box and then click Set Group ID to update the controls for mapping divisions and fields. 
  13. Once your game data is displayed and the Group ID is set, use the mapping controls to select the ArbiterSports Level corresponding to each division, and the ArbiterSports Site corresponding to each field. 
  14. Once you have mapped the divisions and sites, you can click the Sync New & Updated Games button to sync all listed games with ArbiterSports. 
  15. Alternatively, you can click the Sync option on the right hand side of individual games to sync games one at a time.


  1. Once games are synced to Arbiter, the GotSoccer will remember the division and field mappings if you need to sync additional games in this schedule. 

The most common issue preventing the syncing from GotSoccer and ArbiterSports:
  1. Game Lengths - if the GotSoccer game lengths do not match ArbiterSports game lengths this will cause a failure
    1. Check your game lengths in ArbiterSports by:
      1. Click on the Resources tab.
      2. Click on the Sports/Level sub level.
      3. For each sport listed, there is a cell to the right of the sport name which counts the number of levels already created for that sport. Click on that number, and you will be directed to the Levels page for your sport.User-added image
      4. Check the Game Minutes, do they match GotSoccer? If not:
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In order to correct this issue you must:
  1. Remove the Sync from GotSoccer to ArbiterSports.
  2. Filter and Delete any games in ArbiterSports (Archieve Games).
  3. Make changes in GotSoccer.
  4. Re-sync GotSoccer with ArbiterSports.

View Error Messages
  1. ArbiterSports - Data Exchange
    1. This is located in Schedule tab, under the utilities section.
    2. GotSoccer - Arbiter Error Message  .
    3. Sites - if the GotSoccer sites do not match ArbiterSports sites this will cause a failure.
      1. See above for solution.
  2. Team - If the GotSoccer teams do not match ArbiterSports teams this will cause a failure.
    1. See above for solution.

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