Archive Games (Delete Games)

Article Sections:
How To Delete an Individual Game
How To Mass Archive Games
Permanently Delete Games

How To Delete an Individual Game

Warning!!! This procedure is very important. If we need to restore games there will be a charge of $100 per hour and may take up to 1 week.
  1. Sign into your Admin account on
  2. Go to the Schedule tab.
  3. Go to the game you wish to delete and click the trash can icon on the far right side of the game under the Actions column.
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  1. Click Delete on the far right side to confirm you want to delete the game.
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Important note: If the game you are trying to delete has any Paysheets, Invoices, and/or Evaluation records tied to it, the game cannot be deleted until the related Paysheet, Invoice, and/or Evaluation record is deleted first.
Click here to learn how to delete Paysheets and Invoices.
Click here to learn how to delete Evaluations.

How To Mass Archive Games

Warning!!! This procedure is very important. If we need to restore games there will be a charge of $100 per hour and may take up to 1 week.
  1. Sign into your Admin account on
  2. Go to the Schedule tab.
  3. First, filter for the Games you wish to archive by using the filtering options. Refer to the Filtering Games article for further assistance.
  4. Check the box on the left side next to the games you wish to archive.
  5. Click Archive on the left side under the Utilities section.
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  1. Read the Warnings.
  2. Click Begin Archive then click OK.
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  1. You will receive a confirmation message with how many games were successfully deleted and if any games could not be deleted.
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  1. Important note: If any games you are trying to delete has Paysheets, Invoices, and/or Evaluation records tied to it, the games cannot be deleted until the related Paysheet, Invoice, and/or Evaluation records are deleted first.
    Click here to learn how to delete Paysheets and Invoices.
    Click here to learn how to delete Evaluations.

Permanently Delete Games
  1. Under the Schedule tab, click on the Archived Games sub-tab.
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  1. Check the Box next to the games you wish to delete.
  2. Click on the Actions drop-down box on the left side.
  3. Select Permanently Delete Selected or Permanently Delete All.
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