Group Emails

The two types of emails that you can modify are the Welcome Emails and the Registration Email.

To access this feature, click on the Settings tab and the Email Templates sub-tab.

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Once you have navigated to this page, you will see a number of different options. On the left side, you can select which type of email you are viewing and modifying. Across the top, you will see a number of different formatting options you can incorporate into your emails and enhance the emails if you so choose.

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The text of the email template is located in the open field below the formatting tools. This field contains the text of the email before it is sent to the users at the time of registration or when they are invited to the group in the form of a welcome email. You can make changes in this window and those changes will be reflected on the automated emails that get sent out. If you do choose to make any changes to the body of the email, click Save at the bottom.

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Another feature within the group emails is the ability to have the mass emails personalized. On the left side of the screen, you will see a number of different tabs that will input a shortcut for the information within the tab.  Within the body of the email, place your cursor where you would like to have the personalized shortcut to be placed, and then select the tab on the left that you wish to be applied to the email.  You will notice that where your cursor was there is now a shortcut for the tab you selected that will look as such: {}.  

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The mass email will be personalized to the receiver of the email with the information populated within the curly bracket.





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