Blocking Officials From a Team
- Sign in to ArbiterOne as a contact.
- Click on the Schedule tab to pull up a list of your various schedules.
- For each of your teams, there is a blocks column, which will display the number of blocked officials. To access the Block Officials page, click on the link in that column.
- The Block Officials page will initially display any officials that you have already blocked. To begin blocking officials, click on the green plus sign.
- Select the official you wish to block from the drop-down menu. You can also check the boxes to block them from home or away games, or both.
- When finished, click the blue floppy disk icon to save the block.
- You can remove blocked officials by clicking on the red "X" located to the left of the blocked official's name.
As a contact, you will have a limit to the total number of officials that you can block for any one team. To change this limit, please contact your assigner.
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