Blocking Officials From Your Teams

Blocking Officials From a Team

  1. Sign in to ArbiterOne as a contact.
  2. Click on the Schedule tab to pull up a list of your various schedules.
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  1. For each of your teams, there is a blocks column, which will display the number of blocked officials. To access the Block Officials page, click on the link in that column.
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  1. The Block Officials page will initially display any officials that you have already blocked. To begin blocking officials, click on the green plus sign.
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  1. Select the official you wish to block from the drop-down menu. You can also check the boxes to block them from home or away games, or both.
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  1. When finished, click the blue floppy disk icon to save the block.
  2. You can remove blocked officials by clicking on the red "X" located to the left of the blocked official's name.

As a contact, you will have a limit to the total number of officials that you can block for any one team. To change this limit, please contact your assigner.


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