Subscribing to a Bill-To


Subscribing to a Bill-To 
Creating a Bill-To
Editing a Bill-To

Subscribing to a Bill-To

  1. Click on the Resources tab.
  2. Click on the Bill-Tos sub-tab.
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  1. Click on the green plus sign.
  2. You will be taken to the Subscribe to Bill-To page. In this page, there are filters that you can use to find the Bill-To faster. 
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  • Distance (Miles) – Select the size of the search radius for known Bill-Tos.
  • Postal Code – The Postal Code is the center of the radius that the distance will use to look for a Bill-To.
  • Country – Select the Country that the Bill-To is located in.
  • Name – You can type in the name of the Bill-To here to filter for it faster.
  1. After you have found the Bill-To, check the box located to the left of the Bill-To.
  2. A green message will be displayed, letting you know that the Bill-To was successfully added.
  3. Click “Done” to return to your list of Bill-Tos.

Creating a Bill-To

Before we create any new Bill-To, make sure that you looked deep into our master database. Try looking for the organization’s name, not a specific person. Another tip can be to use and look for their billing address instead of their physical address. More than likely, ArbiterSports has already included the Bill-To within our database. If you don’t have much success finding the Bill-To in our database, it can be because it hasn’t been created yet.

  1. Click on the Resources tab.
  2. Click on the Bill-Tos sub-tab.
  3. Click on the green plus sign.
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  1. At the top or bottom right hand side of the page, click on Create.
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  2. A pop-up box will be shown, asking if you’re sure you want to create a new Bill-To. When you create a new Bill-To, it will be available to all other Arbiter users and are shared by all. If you’re sure, click Yes, Create Bill-To.
  3. Fill out the information according to the information that is each section is asking.
    • Bill-To Identification – The legal business name of the organization.
    • Address – This requires an address, City, State, Postal Code, and Country
    • Other Information – Phone number of this Bill-To.
    • Paid by Bill-To – If this Bill-To is responsible to pay the officials directly,
      checkmark the box that says “Paid by Bill-To.” If there are games already in the system which have this Bill-To’s team, checkmark the box that says “Cascade.”
    • High School – This section is only required if the Bill-To is for a high school. Select the State that the Bill-To resides in and select the high school from the drop-down menu. If the High School is not listed, select Not Listed at the top of the list, and contact Arbiter Support.
  4. Click on Save at the top or bottom of the page. A pop-up window will be displayed, confirming the address. The address suggestions are formatted according to Google Maps, or select “No, Use Address I Entered”
  5. Next, the system will display a list of possible existing Bill-Tos. Look to see if any of them fit with the Bill-To you are trying to create. If none of the suggestions fit your Bill-To, selectUse the Bill-To I entered.”
  6. Click on Done.

Editing a Bill-To

If any of the information of a Bill-To has been changed or is missing, you can edit the Bill-To to update it. Keep in mind that once you have updated it, this will change it for everyone that uses this Bill-To. School Bill-Tos should never be edited, except by ArbiterSports staff.

  1. Click on the Resources tab.
  2. Click on the Bill-Tos sub-tab.
  3. Next to the Bill-To’s name, click on the edit pencil icon on the left.
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  1. Proceed to update any of the information that is missing, or the needs to be updated.
  2. Click on Save at the top or bottom right of the page.

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