Ranking Officials

How To Rank Officials
How To Change the Rank of Officials

How To Remove/Delete an Official’s Rank

How To Rank Officials
  1. Click on the People tab in your administrator account.
  2. Click Rank, located in the top left corner under the Utilities section.
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  1. Select the position for the official(s) you want to rank from the drop-down box at the top of the page.
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  1. Select the official’s name(s) in the Not Ranked box.
    • Note: You can click and drag to select multiple officials at once in the left-hand side box labeled Not Ranked.
  2. Set the rank level for the selected position (100-999).  
  3. Click the right arrow to move the official over to the right-hand side box labeled Ranked.
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How To Change the Rank of Officials
  1. Click on the People tab.
  2. Click Rank, located in the top left corner under the Utilities section.
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  1. Select the position for the official(s) you want to rank from the drop-down box at the top of the page.
  2. Select the official that you are changing the rank of from the Ranked box.
  3. Enter the new Rank of the official using the box labeled Rank.
  4. Click ReRank.
    • Note: If you are trying to change a rank for an official and it throws an error, this means that they are scheduled for that position on a game and the change would make them ineligible for assignments they have been given.
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How To Remove/Delete an Official’s Rank
  1. Click on the People tab.
  2. Click Rank, located in the top left corner under the Utilities section.
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  1. Select the official(s) that you are unranking from the Ranked box.
  2. Click the left arrow to move the official from the Ranked box to the Not Ranked box.
    • Note: If you are trying to change a rank for an official and it throws an error, this means that they are scheduled for that position on a game and so cannot be removed.
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