Forms for Assigners

How To Add a Form
How To Edit a Form
How To Delete a Form



How To Add a Form

Please note that Google Chrome and Internet Explorer do not support the file finder. To browse the server you will have to use Firefox.

The document(s) will need to be saved on your computer before we can upload them to your group.

  1. Click on the Resources tab.
  2. Click on the Forms sub-tab.
  3. Click the Green Plus Sign.
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  1. Type in the Form Name.
  2. The date will default to the current date.
  3. Click on Browse Server
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  1. Click the Upload button, located in the upper-middle section of the CKFinder.
  2. Click the Choose File button.
  3. Select the file you would like to upload from your computer and click Open.
  4. Click on Upload Selected File.
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  1. Double Click the file name, located in the main section of the CKFinder.
  2. Check the Officials and/or Contacts box, this determines which type of user can view the file.
  3. Check the Game Report box if the file should be accessible to officials on their Game Reports.
  4. Click the Blue Floppy Disk to save.
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You may or may not be aware that you can use HTML code in your announcements for a variety of different functions.  In think case we can create a link to an already existing location (file).
In order to do this please use the following code:

<a href="The link location">Link Text</a>

Example:  Click Here <a href="/Groups/108356/Library/files/ABGC%20Indoor%20Soccer%20In-House%20Rules.pdf">Here</a> for the current Penalty report form.

Will look like this: Click Here 2015 Girls Middle School Volleyball for the current Penalty report form.



How To Edit a Form

  1. Click the edit pencil, located to the left of the file name.
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  • All fields, including the file, can be updated.
  1. Click on the blue floppy disk to save when you are done making changes.

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How To Delete a form

  1. Click the red X, located to the left of the form name.
    • This will completely remove the form from your group and will no longer be visible to users.

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