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Managing Official Filters

How To Create a Filter
How To Edit a FIlter

Locked vs Dynamic filters
How To Add Officials To a Filter

How To Delete a Filter

How To Create a Filter

  1. Click on the People tab.
  2. Click on the Officials sub-tab.
  3. Click Create.
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  1. Enter a Name for the filter.
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  1. Select your desired filtering options and click Save. Below are explanations for each filter setting.

Last Name / First Name: You can filter for your officials based on their last name. If you enter *son in this field, anything that ends with 'son' will filter.
Email existence: Filter for officials with/without an email. Select 'With' or 'Without' from the drop-down menu.
Email: Filter for your officials based on their email address. If you enter * in this field, filters for only '' email addresses.
Sport: Filter for officials based on a specific sport. For example, if you select Soccer then it filters for all officials ranked for soccer. If an official is not ranked for the sport you select, they will not be included.
City: Filter for officials based on their city. For example, 'Perry' returns only sites located in the City of Perry.
State: Filter for officials in a specific state.
Postal Code: Filter for officials in a specific postal code. For example, enter 84070 and the filter pulls all officials with the postal code 84070.
Ready for Assigning: Filter for 'Ready' or 'Not Ready' to be assigned officials.
Active: Filter for 'Active' or 'Inactive' officials.
RefPay: Filter for officials who have their RefPay account linked or do not have their RefPay account linked.
Joined: Filter for all 'Joined' and 'Not Joined' officials. If you want to filter for all officials who have not accepted your group request, you can filter for Not Joined.
Date of Birth: Filter for officials based on their date of birth. Select 'On', 'Before', 'After', 'Between' or 'No Value' and enter a date (such as 11/1/1990)
Last Signed In: Filter for officials based on when they last signed into your group by choosing one of the options, 'On', 'Before', 'After', 'Between' or 'No Value'.
Rank: Filter for officials based on their rank. Select 'Equal To', 'Smaller Than', 'Greater Than', 'Between' or 'No Value' and enter a ranking (100-999).
Registration: Filter for officials based on their registration by selecting 'Date Started, 'Date Paid', or 'Date Completed' from the drop-down menu, enter a date, and select the registration.
Test: Filter for your officials based on their score of a test. Select the test from the drop-down menu, select 'Equal To', 'Smaller Than', 'Greater Than' or 'Between' or 'No Value', then enter a percentage. For example, to filter for all officials that scored a 90% or higher on a test, select 'Greater Than' and enter 89.
Eligibility Period: Filter for officials eligibility. In the drop-down menu select 'Not Eligible' or 'Eligible', then select the eligibility period in the list.
Background Check Status: Select 'Officials Consent Completed', 'Officials Consent Not Completed', 'Processing', 'Error', 'Hit', 'No Hit', "Reviewed', 'Pre-Adverse', or 'Adverse' background check statuses.
Game: Filter for officials that do or do not have games within a period of time. For example, to filter for officials with games on the current day, select 'With Games' from the drop-down menu then select 'Today's Games'.
Customer Field: For groups that use custom fields, you can filter officials based on a custom field from the drop-down menu. To filter by multiple custom fields at once, select the custom field from the drop menu and the value, click 'Add' located above the customer fields drop-down menu and select your next custom field.

Note: You are only required to enter a name for the filter if you plan to save the filter. If you need to create a temporary filter to quickly pull official information and you do not need to save that filter, you can click Get Results.

How To Edit a Filter

  1. Select your filter from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click View.
  3. Make any changes as needed and click Save.
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Locked vs Dynamic filters

When you create a new filter, it defaults to Dynamic. To lock a filter:
1. Select the filter from the drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Save button.
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To unlock a filter to make it Dynamic:
1. Select the filter from the drop-down menu.
2. Click View.
3. Click Save without making any changes.

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Dynamic filter status (also termed as an 'open' filter) means that the filter of officials will automatically update as officials settings match the targeted criteria for the filter itself.

Locked filter status indicates that the filter itself is closed and saved as it is when it was initially saved. Locked status is required to make the filter accessible and usable in other sections of ArbiterSports (Events page, Games and Assignments page, etc.).

You can see the status of the filter to the far right of its name on the Official roster page or you can edit any existing filter and the Locked or Dynamic status will appear in red letters under the filter name.
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How To Add Officials To a Filter:

If you need to add a group of officials to a filter but those officials do not all match 
a specific criteria that can be used with the filtering options, follow these steps:
1. Create your filter.

i. Click Create.
 Enter a filter name.
iii. Click Save.

2. Check the box on the left side next to each official that you need to add to that filter.
3. Click Save.

After you click Save, the filter will save only the officials you have selected. If you need to add more officials, click the Show All box at the top, select the officials, and click Save. If you need to remove an official from the filter, simply un-check the box next to the official's name and click Save.

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How To Delete a Filter

  1. Click on the People tab.
  2. Click on the Officials sub-tab.
  3. Select the filter.
  4. Click Delete.
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