Step 5: Blocking Sites, Teams, Partners, Travel Limits, and Postal Codes

(Note: If you cannot see any or all of these sub-tabs, you may not have been given permission to set these blocks for sites, teams, partners, and/or blocking postal codes. Please contact your assigner for more information.)

Block Sites
Block Teams
Block Partners
Set Travel Limits
Block Postal Codes

Block Sites
  1. Click on the sites sub-tab.
  2. By default, the sites page may only display the sites you have already blocked. To view the entire list, click the show all button.
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  1. Check the boxes to the left of any site that you need to block.  (Note: Your assigner may have placed a limit on the maximum number of sites that you may block for yourself. Please contact your assigner for specific information.)
  2. Click Save.

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Blocking Teams

  1. Click on the teams sub-tab.
  2. By default, the teams page may only display the teams you have already blocked.  To view the entire list, click the show all button.
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  1. Check the boxes to the left of any team that you wish to block. (Note: Your assigner may have placed a limit on the maximum number of teams that you may block for yourself. Please contact your assigner for specific information.)
  2. If you wish, you can check or un-check the boxes in the “Home” and “Away” columns, if you wish to restrict your blocks to just home games or away games for the team.
  3. Click Save.
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Blocking Partners
  1. Click on the partners sub-tab.
  2. By default, the partners page may only display the officials you have already blocked.  To view the entire list, click the show all button.
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  1. Check the boxes to the left of any official you wish to block from working with you. (Note: Your assigner may have placed a limit on the maximum number of partners you may block for yourself. Please contact your assigner for more specific information.)
  2. Click Save.

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Set Travel Limits
  1. Click on the travel limits sub-tab.
  2. Type the postal code in the text field.
  3. Type the distance in the text field.
  4. Check the boxes on the day you want to set a travel limit.
  5. Click apply.
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Block Postal Codes
  1. Click on the postal codes sub-tab.
  2. Click on the green plus sign on the left side.
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  1. In the text field, enter the postal code you want to block.
  2. Click on the blue floppy disk icon to save. (Note: You will have to repeat this procedure for all postal codes you want to block.) 

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To Delete blocked Postal Codes:

  1. Click the red X next to the postal code you want to delete.


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