Self-Assigning Games
Click on the Schedule tab
- If you are associated with multiple assigning organizations, you must be signed into the group that has added the games
Click the Self Assign sub-tab
- If you do not see a Self Assign tab, you will need to contact your assignor and ask to be granted permission to self assign games.
Click the Go link, located in the Assign column to the far right
- A confirmation message will generate stating “Successfully assigned as [position name] on game [game ID number].”
- Repeat step 3 until you have reached the daily limit for self-assigning game sets, or until the desired games are selected.
Self-Assign Settings
The Self Assign Settings box is found in the upper right-hand corner of the Self Assign tab.
- Self-Assigned Today: This will display the game ID numbers for each game that you have assigned yourself to for the day. In parentheses, it will also display your assigner’s pre-set limit for the number of game sets that you can assign yourself to.
Current Sort: This shows the sort order by which the list of available games is organized. To change the sort order, click the column header on the list of available games. If you need to reset the sort order, click the “[Reset]” button in the settings summary box.
- Date & Time: Date and Time of the game
- Game: Game ID number
- Position: Position available on game
- Pay (desc): Game fee paid for game
- Dist: Distance from the game site to the postal code listed on your profile or travel limits
- Sport & Level: Sport and Level of the game
- Site: Game location
- Home: Home team
- Away: Away team
Filtering Games by Start Date, Sport & Level, and Site
By default, the Self-Assign page will only show the first 50 upcoming slots, according to your availability. However, your assigner can activate filters that will let you narrow the assigning pool for certain games.
- Game # Range: You can limit the search to a signal game number
- Start Date: Instead of returning the first 50 upcoming slots from today’s date, you can push the start date out further. Please note that most assigners place a limit on how far out you can self-assign games, such as 7 days or one month.
- Sport & Level: Each option will be set up as “[Sport], [Level].” To select a single specific sport and level, simply click on it. If you want to select a group of levels, hold the SHIFT key and click on the first and last selection in your group, and all the items in-between will be highlighted. If you want to select multiple levels, hold the CTRL button (Command key for Mac users) and click on each sport and level you wish to include.
- Site: You can limit the search to a single site by clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting the site from the available list
When you have chosen which filters you would like to use, click the Search button to return the updated list of available games.
The available slots haven’t been marked as self-assignable
- Please check with your assignor to verify if a game has been marked as self-assignable
The game conflicts with your availability
- Games will only be listed on the Self Assign sub-tab if there are no scheduling conflicts. If you are already scheduled for another game on a specific day, have created a block on your schedule, or the travel between games overlaps, the system considers you unavailable.
There is a conflict other than availability
- There are other conflicts that may prevent you from taking a game, such as limits on how many games you can take at a specific level, or how many games you can work per week, or travel distance. Please contact your assigner for more information about assigning requirements and limits.
For the nexgame hs schools
Tho be assigned x next sisan
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