Student Registration Advanced Administration Bundle Features

With the Advanced Administration bundle, you will have access to the following features:

  • Statistics
  • Roles & Privileges
  • Bulk Email
  • Language Translation


Statistics are the visual representation of your program's registration data, providing valuable insights about program participation. With just a few clicks you can transform your registrations into bar charts, pie charts, and timeline graphs to easily visualize things such as participation and dollar value within and among your programs.

Here are just a few examples of how you can use statistics to analyze program participation:

  • Compare participation for your programs from one year to the next 
  • View peak registration periods from first sign-up to last 
  • Easily create Title IX reports for sports programs 
  • Visualize the revenue contribution among your programs. 

For more information on how to generate statistics, click HERE to read our Knowledge Base article. 

Roles & Privileges 

Our Roles & Privileges feature allows you to assign different access to FamilyID functionality for different groups of users. This is the best way to manage the users you invite to your FamilyID account.

You can use Roles & Privileges to provide role-based control over the functions that are accessible to your users. For each role, you can select the privileges you want to grant, and update your selections at any time. With this feature, the account owner is able to assign users the following roles:
  • Administrator – Can perform the same actions as the Account Owner except for the ability to assign Administrator privileges and/or manage the Owner account.
  • Publisher – Perfect for anyone who runs programs/activities for your organization and collects registrations/payments. The Publisher cannot manage any user permissions.
  • Editor – Perfect for anyone who needs to review and make edits to information after a registration has been submitted. For example, an Editor may change a participant’s approval status from 'Not Approved' to 'Approved' if they are cleared to participate.
  • Viewer – Perfect for anyone overseeing an activity’s participants, such as a Coach, Teacher, or Chaperone. This role gives 'view-only' access to participant information and is restricted to only reports he/she has been authorized to view.

If you would like to learn more about this feature, click HERE to read our Knowledge Base article. 

Bulk Email

Sending a bulk email to a group of registrants has never been easier. Bulk Email is a handy way to communicate with your families and to make sure all of your participants have the most up-to-date information about the details of your program. You can send a bulk email to any group of registrants directly from your registration list or report. You can even assign the "From" and "Reply-To" settings to any of the users on your FamilyID organization account.

You can use Bulk Email to:

  • Notify families of upcoming events, per section or program.
  • Send an email reminder to participants from prior years to sign up for the new season.
  • Need to cancel practice due to inclement weather? Send your families an email directly from FamilyID.

To read more on how to use Bulk Email, click HERE.

Language Feature


Spanish speakers can navigate the FamilyID platform in their preferred language. 

 By enabling the language feature, families will be able to view a Spanish version of all your programs and registration forms. Content that is native to FamilyID, including headings and standard fields, will be automatically translated.

For your custom content, you may add translations alongside your own text. Your custom content includes:

  • Your program description 
  • Your sections and section options 
  • Your add-ons Your custom fields 
  • Your policies and agreements 

FamilyID is working on adding more languages and on providing you with a brand new interface for storing your custom translations.

To read more on our Language feature, click HERE.

If you have any questions regarding these features, please reach out to your Account Team.

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