As an organization, you have the ability to cancel completed registrations for any program. This is useful when cleaning up your roster, withdrawing registrants, and charting refunds.
This article will show you how to:
- Cancel registrations, individually or in bulk, through the filled number or a Report
- Cancel a registration by editing an individual registration
- Cancel a registration individually through the people search
Through the 'FILLED' number or a Report:
- 1. Log in to your Arbiter Registration account (formerly known as FamilyID) and select Programs from the blue navigation bar at the top of the screen.
- 2. Select the Filled Number associated with the program whose registrations you'd like to review.
- 3. When viewing your list of registrations, click in the 'REGISTRATION STATUS' field for that specific registration and update the status to 'CANCELED'. Select the blue 'UPDATE' button to save the change.
Alternatively, you can select one or more registrations using the checkboxes on the left. At this point, the 'EDIT/EMAIL SELECTED' window will appear on the right and you can update the registration status by clicking on that drop-down.
- 4. Change registration status to 'Canceled'. Check the option to 'Notify registrant of changes' if you would like an email to be sent to the registrant. If there are other individuals that you would like to notify about this registration status change, enter their email addresses in the ‘Copy notification to the following email addresses’ box. You can send a custom message along with your notification by typing a message into the box titled ‘custom note’. Click 'UPDATE' to save this change.
- 5. Canceled registrations will read 'Canceled' in red and have a strike through them. They will not be calculated into your program's filled number and will not appear on reports.
Editing an individual registration:
- 1. Through the filled number or a report, click the down arrow next to the grey 'VIEW' button associated with the registration you want to cancel and choose 'EDIT'.
- 2. Update the 'REGISTRATION STATUS' as 'CANCELED' and you can also select 'NOTIFY REGISTRANT OF CHANGES' to notify families of this change. Click 'SAVE AND CONTINUE' to save these updates.
People Search:
- 1. Enter the participant name and click 'SHOW RESULTS'.
- 2. Click on the number below 'REGISTRATIONS'.
- 3. Click the down-arrow associated with the grey 'VIEW' button and select ‘EDIT’ from the drop-down menu.
- 4. Click on the drop-down menu next to ‘Registration Status” and select ‘Canceled’.
- 5. Check the box next to 'Notify registrant of changes' if you would like an email to be sent to the registrant. If there are other individuals that you would like to notify about this registration status change, enter their email addresses in the ‘Copy notification to the following email addresses’ box. You can send a custom message along with your notification by typing a message into the box titled ‘custom note’.
- 6. Click the ‘Save and Continue’ button on this page to save the updates.
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