Printing Payment Vouchers

There are two ways you can access the vouchers for your games: 1.) Download the voucher for officials and workers separately on the game under the Schedule tab, or 2.) Download the Payment Voucher report which is located under the Reports tab.

The Payment Voucher report allows you to download vouchers for a single game or multiple games, and it includes all officials and workers scheduled on the game(s) combined into one voucher. If you just need a single game's voucher and you want the officials and workers on separate vouchers, you can download the vouchers on the game directly under the Schedule tab. Learn how below.

Officials Payment Vouchers
  1. Sign into your school's account on
  2. Under the Schedule tab, go to the game in question and click on the officials jersey icon on the right side to open the officials on the game.
  3. Click Print Voucher to download the officials voucher for that game.
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Important note: Your school must be listed as the game's payor AND the officials must be marked as "Paid By Bill-To" on the assigner's end for the officials voucher to show up correctly.

If the "print voucher" option isn't showing:
  • First, make sure your school is listed as the payor on the game. If you do not see your school is shown as the payor, you will need to claim the game. Learn how to here: Claim a Game for Payment
  • If your school is listed as the payor of the game but the print voucher still isn't showing, contact your assigner to ensure that the officials are all marked as "Paid By Bill-To."
  • If you can view the voucher but the payment amounts next to any of the officials is not displayed (even though the amounts are shown next to that official on the game), this means the official is not marked as "Paid by Bill-To," which needs to be corrected on the assigner's end.

Below is an example of what the officials voucher looks like.
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Workers Payment Vouchers
  1. In your school's account, go to the Schedule tab.
  2. Go to the game in question and click on the workers icon on the right side next to the officials jersey icon to open the scheduled workers on the game.
  3. Click Print Voucher to download the workers voucher for that game.
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Note: In order for the workers voucher to show up, the school must have event workers scheduled to the game.

The workers voucher will be available to the school regardless of the game payor status and regardless if the officials scheduled to the same game are not marked as "Paid by Bill-To" on the assigner's end.

Below is an example of what the workers voucher looks like.
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Payment Vouchers Report

View our Payment Voucher Report help guide to learn how to download vouchers for multiple games at once. The payment voucher report also combines the officials and workers onto one voucher for each game.


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