Importing Students into ArbiterGame

  1. Sign into your ArbiterGame account on
  2. Go to the Eligibility tab.
  3. Click on the down arrow located next to the +New Student button.
  4. Click Import Students.
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  1. Click Download Template.
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  1. Click Enable Editing once the file opens.
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  1. Fill out the required fields at the very least. The required fields are:
  • Student ID
  • First name
  • Last Name
  • Graduating year
  • Gender
Note: You can hover your mouse over the headers on the template to find the format required.  If the template format does not match, it will throw an error and not import. All other fields are optional, though we recommend including the email address so that they can receive notifications.
  1. Save the file to your computer.
  2. Go back to the Import Students page and click choose file.  
  3. Click Upload.
  4. You will receive confirmation when the import either works or fails.
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Importing Students Teams Into ArbiterGame

Once you have added your students, you can add them to teams by Importing Students Teams into ArbiterGame.


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