Student Registration - Sending Messages to Participants From a Report

If you wish to email/message Participants of your Program from within Arbiter Registration Reports, the option to ' Allow authorized users to email family account owners and view messages' is a feature that must be included in your organization's subscription and must be enabled within the specific Report in reference. If these factors are in play, then Authorized Viewers on a Report have the ability to send Messages to the Account Owner Emails of your Participants. You have the flexibility to message a single participant, several, or the entire group, all at the same time.

Sending Messages to Participants From a Report

1. To send messages to your participants through Arbiter Registration, navigate to the Reports tab in the blue menu bar at the top of the screen and select Registrations from the drop-down, then select the title of the Report you wish to access.

User-added image

2. Check the boxes to the far left of the row to select the participant(s) you would like to message. You will notice that as soon as you start applying checkmarks, a window opens on the right with the words Email Selected at the top. If you wish to email the entire list of participants, you may check the box at the far left column at the top of the report. This will automatically check all participants below it. 
3. If you find that you need to access the information in the report which is hidden by this Email Selected box, you may click the down arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the box at any time.

Doing so will temporarily reduce the window to the bottom of the screen. When you are ready to re-open it to continue with your message, select the white ' up arrow', which will expand the box back to its open position.

4. You may then give your message a Message Subject. You may copy up to five email addresses of other people you would like to receive this email, who are not already included in the participant list. Perhaps you have a volunteer or trainer or other colleagues you'd like to see this message? If so, type their email address(es) in the box that says Send Copy To: Type your message in the text box.

There are a few text editing tools, such as bold text, italicize, underline, bullet points, insert hyperlink, etc. offered to you in a window above the dialogue box, should you like to spice things up a little. 

When your message is complete, click Send. If you have created the message in error, click Cancel

This message will be sent to all whose row you checked off in your report. If sent to multiple recipients, please note that their email addresses are not openly copied on the email, but rather blind copied. That is, recipients will not be able to see who else was copied on the message other than email addresses which you type into the 'Send Copy To:' box.

Please note:  A maximum of 100 names appears per page in the Table View of your report, and therefore you are limited to messaging these 100 participants at a time. If you are emailing more than 100 participants, or participants who appear on different pages of your report, you will need to repeat these steps on each subsequent page of your report in order to include all.


Reviewing Messages Previously Sent

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