Creating a New Game
Adding a Home Game
Adding an Away Game
Edit, Cancel, or Delete Games
Other related articles:
Game Importer for ArbiterGame
Scheduling a Tournament
Scheduling a Meet
Scheduling Events
How to Add Recurring Events and Practices
Creating a New Game
The information below describes the processes for creating a new game (either a home game or an away game).
(Note: To add multiple opponents to a meet, select the Meet option. Use this for sports such as wrestling, track, swimming, or cross country. Please view our Scheduling a Meet article for step-by-step instructions.)
Adding a Home Game
Use the instructions below to add a single home game. If you have several games to add, you will save time by first entering all home games for a team and then entering all away games using the Create Game & New button at the bottom, right-hand corner of the Create Game screen. This way, you only have to change the opponent and date for most games.
2. Click Add New and select New Game.
3. Under the "Match-up" section, select your team from the drop-down list. The screen refreshes to display the team defaults that were previously set up.
4. Select your Opponent from the drop-down list.
5. Select the Home icon under the "Where" section.
6. Select the Site and sub-site of the game.
7. Select the start date, start time, and duration of the game under the "When" section.
8. Select yes or no if you want to publish the game and select the game type.
9. Select the Set-Up Time and Clean-Up Time in the Facility Request section for home games. You DO NOT need to click either of the checkboxes in this section.
10. Complete the Officials section for home games based on how your school assigns officials: No officials required, Assigned by school, or ArbiterOne Assigning group.
Now, let’s see how the process for adding an away game differs from adding a home game. There are only three differences in the Create Game screen: you select the Away icon, you complete the Transportation Request fields, and you DO NOT assign officials.
- Enter all other game information (team, opponent, site, sub-site, start date, start time, etc.)
- To add an “away” game, select the Away icon.
Enter information on the Transportation Request section.
- You are not required to click either of the checkboxes in this area.
- When all sections are complete, remember to click Create Game at the bottom to save.
To edit, cancel, or delete a game, please click to view this article: Edit, Cancel, and Delete Games in ArbiterGame
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