Mass Update Games to a Specific Bill-To

1. Sign into your Admin account on
2. Click on the Schedule tab.
3. Click on the +Add Filter button to create a new game filter.
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4. You can use the filtering option to pull up a specific set of games.
i. The best practice is to set a date range, depending on if you want to pull past games or future games.
ii. After setting your date range, go to the home team box and select the school/team in question that you need to set to that Bill-To.
iii. For further assistance with creating a game filter, please view our Filtering Games article.

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5. Click Get Results at the top or bottom of the page.
6. Check the boxes next to the games you need to update.
7. Click Mass Update under Utilities in the top left corner.
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8. Check the Bill-To box and select the proper Bill-To from the drop-down menu next to where it says "change to:"
9. Click Update at the bottom.
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10. You should receive a confirmation message that reads, "(the number of games selected) have been updated." Click Close.

Click the following link to learn how to mass update games to be marked as Paid By Bill-To.
Mass Update Games to "Paid By Bill-To"


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