Adding ArbiterSports To Your Email Contacts

Gmail Contacts:
  1. Sign into your Gmail inbox
  2. Clickcontacts” under the Gmail drop down box
User-added image
  1. Click the plus “+” sign in the bottom right-hand corner
  2. Type in the email
  3. Click Save
User-added image

Yahoo Contacts:
  1. Sign into your Yahoo email inbox.
  2. Click the address book icon under the Yahoo! Mail logo. When you roll your mouse over it, it will say Contacts
  3. Click "New Contact".
  4. Fill in the fields of your Contact, only the Email address is mandatory.
  5.  ClickSave”.
User-added image

 Outlook Contacts:
  1. Sign into your Outlook email inbox
  2. Click on the people icon in the bottom left corner to access your contacts list
  3. User-added image
  1. Click add new contact in the top left corner
  2. Fill in the fields of your Contact, only the Email address is mandatory.
  3. Click “Save and Close” in the top left corner
User-added image

If you need help adding us to your contacts for another email provider, you can contact your email provider’s Customer Support, or you can Internet Search instructions on “how to add contacts to [email provider (AOL, Comcast, etc..)]”


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