Deleting Paysheets and Invoices

How To Delete Paysheets
How To Delete Invoices

How To Delete Paysheets:
  1. Click on the payroll tab.
  2. Click Paysheets under the "Officials" section.
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  1. Select the name(s) of officials whose paysheets you want to delete.
  2. Click View/Print Checks and Paysheets.
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  1. A list of paysheets will appear. From here, there are two ways to delete paysheets.
    1. Delete Individually: Click the red 'X' next to a paysheet to remove a single paysheet.
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  1. Delete multiple:  Check the boxes next to all of the paysheets you want to delete or click All to select all then go to the bottom of the list and click "Delete Selected."
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Advanced:  If you only want to delete paysheets from a date range, this process makes it easier.  When selecting the officials you want to delete paysheets for (the page you also create paysheets on), enter a date range in the center section, and choose the "Use date range" option.  When you click on "View/Print Checks and Paysheets" button, only paysheets with a date in that date range will come up.  Then you can use the mass select option for selecting the paysheets to delete.

How To Delete Invoices:
  1. Click on the payroll tab.
  2. Since you can have invoices for Officials or Bill-Tos, select the type of invoice you want to delete.
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  1. Select the name(s) of Bill-Tos or Officials for the invoices to delete.
  2. Click "View/Print Invoices"
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  1. A list of invoices will appear. Similar to paysheeets, there are two ways to delete invoices from here:
    1. One by one:  Click the red 'X' next to each invoice you need deleted.
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  1. Delete multiple:  Check the boxes next to all of the invoices you want to delete then go to the bottom of the list and click "Delete Selected."
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