Student Registration - Edit a Completed Registration

Need to update something on your registration? Insurance information changed? Health information? Address? Follow the instructions below to update your registration.

Please note: While you can edit most anything on your completed registration, there are a few items that may require help from your school and/or the ArbiterSports Help Desk.

To change your "Section" or "Add-On" selections:

  • Please reach out to the school directly as only they have the ability to make those changes.

To correct a signature on your registration:

  • Please reach out to your school or organization. They will need to place your registration in a Correction Required state in order for you to update your signature. 
1. Log in to your Arbiter Registration account and select Registrations in the blue navigation bar. 

User-added image


2. This will list all registrations in your account.  Completed Registrations are found under the blue Completed Registrations header. Find the registration you wish to edit and click the blue Add or Update Info link

3. When your registration appears, make any changes necessary to the information you previously entered. 


4. When you are done, click the blue Save button at the bottom of the page to finalize your updates and notify the organization. 


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