As more schools begin to use the ArbiterGame platform to input their schedules, the demand for an Assigning group increases over time. In ArbiterGame, a function to select the Assigning group who will be sending officials to the games is available to the AD’s of the school. These games are then displayed on the assigner’s end to do the assigning.
Adding a Group ID to a Team
If you have an assigner who uses Arbiter to assign the officials to your games, you will first need to link their group with your teams. You will need to know the assigner's 6-digit group ID before doing this step.
- Sign into your ArbiterGame account and go to the Resources tab.
- Click on the team name that the assigner will be assigning officials for.
- Under the section of Officiating, select the option “An ArbiterOne Assigning Group.”
- Click Add Another Group.
- Enter the group ID in "Assigner Group" box.
- Next to the assigner level, select the level of assigning that best fits your team.
- Click Save Changes.
Removing a Group ID
This step is for removing/replacing a group ID with a new one in the event that you change assigners.
- Sign into your ArbiterGame account and go to the Teams tab.
- Click on the Team that the old Group ID is in.
- Under the Officiating section, the group ID should be listed there. Click on the red Remove button.
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