How to export your schedule to GoFan

There is a report available to schools in their Arbiter account that is formatted to be quickly imported into GoFan. This will allow schools to quickly copy their schedule from Arbiter to GoFan.

Downloading the report from Arbiter

  1. Sign in to your ArbiterSports account and act in your school.
  2. Click on the Reports tab.
  3. In the Schedule section, click on the GoFan Export report.

 User-added image

  1. Choose your date range, sport, and level.

 User-added image

  1. Export your report.
  2. This will download a .csv file that you can use to import your home games into GoFan. Before you can import in GoFan, you MUST delete the Sport and Level columns. These columns are included for informational purposes only.
  3. After deleting those columns, you can navigate to GoFan to import these games for the associated team* (i.e., Boys Varsity Baseball).

*You can only import future games into GoFan.


For Information on Managing your Integration from your GoFan Account, please click here

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