Refer to your assigner
You will first need to contact your assigner of the group and request to be removed. To find the contact information of your assigner, please refer to this help article: How Do I Find Contact Information?If there is a dispute between you and the assigner about the removal, unfortunately we cannot get involved. If you are unable to get in contact your assigner, refer to the two steps below.
Removal from Expired Groups
If a group’s license with ArbiterSports is expired for at least 6 months or more, then we can remove you from that group. You can reach out to our customer support staff, we can verify if the group is expired, and then we can proceed with our policies and proper procedures of removing you from that expired group.
Send an Email to the Group Administrator
If you are not able to get in contact with your assigner to be removed from a group, an ArbiterSports customer support agent will be more than happy to send an email on your behalf to the primary group administrator. Below is a copy of what the email would say:
Dear ________________ (Admin's Name),
We are sending you this email on behalf of ___________ (Officials Name) requesting that he be removed from ____________ (Group ID #) of which you are an administrator. Due to several policies which protect your group, this is something we are not able to do for _____________ (Officials First Name) as we leave it up to you as the assigner to manage your users. If you are having issues removing ____________ (Official First Name) that you would like our help with, please let us know and we would be happy to walk you through how to remove them. If you are aware of how to remove the official, then there is no need to respond to this email. Please reach out to ___________ (Official First Name) directly if you have any questions about this request and let us know if we can help in any other way.
If the group administrator refuses to remove you from a group, unfortunately ArbiterSports cannot get involved as we leave the final decision to the group administrator.
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