Do you need to add new recipients to an invitation you have already sent out via the Invitations platform?
- 1. To add new recipients to your existing Invitations, access your Invitations platform by choosing‘Invitations’ on the blue bar at the top of the page.
- 2. The ‘Invitations' platform will open in a new tab. Here you will select the organization you want to use to send your invitation and receive replies. Select your organization to continue.

- 3. Locate your invitation and next to ‘View Results’, click on the three dots. You will be presented with two options, 'Edit' or 'Clone'. Select 'Edit'.
- 4. You’ll notice three tabs running across the top of the page; Settings, Customize, Preview & Send. These three tabs make up the invitation creation/editing wizard. Starting on tab 1, Settings, you’ll begin to edit your invitation. Select 'Add Recipients' to upload your CSV file with the new recipients.
Recipients will receive an invitation via email to claim their FamilyID account. The invitation recipient should be the FamilyID account owner (typically a parent/guardian responsible for registering participants for programs and activities).
There’s no limit to the number of recipients you import. You can import recipients from up to four places:
- A CSV file located on your computer or device.
- A CSV file that was imported to a previously created invitation.
- A full list of de-duplicated recipients which was sent as part of a previously created invitation
- The list of participants from a previously created FamilyID program.
4a. - If importing recipients using a CSV file from your computer, your file must include Account Owner Email Address, Participant First Name, and Participant Last Name. If you'd also like to pre-populate Membership ID or Student ID you must also include this information in your CSV file. Duplicate records will be removed from your files.
- 5. When importing using a CSV, you’ll be required to map the fields in your file to the fields available in FamilyID. You should see your column headers in the 'Fields from file' list. If you see participant names, your file does not have column headers and the first record will not be imported. If two or more of your recipient records have the same information for account email, participant first name and participant last name, FamilyID will remove the duplicates.
When mapping your fields, notice that you can preview the recipients you’re importing by choosing the arrows above ‘Preview’ on the right. Map to the required fields, and Membership/Student ID if necessary, and then choose ‘Save & Import’.
- 6. Once imported, you’ll notice ‘File Name’ referencing each of your selected imports listed.
- 7. Families will automatically be invited to the program listed in the original invitation. The program needs to be open in order to send your invitation. Select whether or not program registration is required. If not required, families will be given the option to continue to program registration after accepting the invitation. If required, they will be automatically directed to the program with a ‘draft’ registration already created.
Once complete, choose ‘Save & Continue’ to move to tab #2 Customize. You can also save your progress by choosing ‘Save and Finish Later’.
- 8. From the ‘Customize’ tab, craft the email your recipients will receive allowing them to accept their invitation to use FamilyID. Enter your email Subject Line, set who the email will come from and assign an email address to receive replies. You can also customize the text in the blue area above the 'Accept This Invitation' button. Customize the blue, customizable area and scroll down the page.
- 9. Next, you have the option to include the 'Authorized to Register' agreement as part of your invitation. This agreement is meant to acknowledge that the family is legally authorized to register participants for programs with your school or community program. Simply click within the text editor and start typing if you'd like to make changes to the agreement text. Click the ‘trashcan’ to remove this agreement from your invitation. Choose ‘Save & Continue’ to preview your invitation.
- 10. From the ‘Preview & Send’ tab, you can do just that. Scroll down to see your invitations details and read the email your families will receive in its entirety. You can preview what this email will look like for particular participants by clicking into the ‘Choose participant to preview’ box above the email preview. Once ready, you have the option to 'Send to new' or 'Send to all'.
- Send to new will send the invitation out to the newly added recipients. Send to all will send out the invitation to the newly added recipients AND a reminder to the original recipients who have not yet accepted and completed the initial invitation. Make your selection to send your invitations.
- For information on the families' experience accepting your invitation and registering for a program, click here.
- 11. Now that your invitation is sent, choose ‘View Results’ to review the status of the individual emails sent and to send follow-up reminders.
- 12. From the table on the ‘Result s’ tab, you can review each individual email that was sent. Scroll down the page to load more records.
Notice the participant's name and membership/student ID listed in column 1. The ‘Invitation status’ refers to whether or not they’ve accepted the invitation sent to them. The ‘Registration’ refers to the program registration they’ve been invited to. The registration status will read ‘Submitted’ if registration was submitted, ‘Incomplete’ if it was never finished,‘Declined’ if registration was optional and the family elected to not proceed, or ‘N/A’ if program registration was not included.
The email field contains the email address the invitation was sent to. The ‘Invitations’ column contains the date/time and the status of the email that was sent. You can change the email address by choosing the pencil icon next to the email address and inputting a new email. For example, if you notice in the ‘Invitations’ column that the invitation ‘bounced’ from an intended email destination you can change the email address in the ‘Email’ column.
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