Do you want to view registrations that have new updates or unreviewed Updates?
You can run a report that allows you to view updates made to a registration by filtering a report using the Unreviewed Changes filter.
1. Log in to your Arbiter Registration organization account (formerly known as FamilyID). Hover over the Reports tab and select Registrations at the top of the screen.
2. Locate the report you want to edit, and select the down arrow next to the Table View button. Click EDIT/SHARE.
3. The Edit screen looks very similar to the Create a Report screen. The steps you take to add the filter to an already created report will be the same as creating a report. The only difference will be that you will click Create A Report. Select the Required: Select a filter box.
4. From the drop-down menu, select Unreviewed Changes.
5. A box will appear asking you if you would like filter by registrations with Unreviewed Changes or registrations without Unreviewed Changes. Select the appropriate filter.
6. Once you have chosen the appropriate filter, click the Save & View button in the pop-up menu. You will now see this filter added to your report filters.
Always make sure to click the Save or Save & View button to save any changes.
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