How Do I Change My Username Or Password? (Admins)

Change Your Email in ArbiterSports
Change Your Password In ArbiterSports


Change Your Username in ArbiterSports (For users with multiple assigning groups in Arbiter):

  1.  Sign in to your ArbiterSports account at
  2.  Before selecting which group you would like to sign into, click on the "Update My Information" link on the left side under "My Account."

User-added image

  1.  On your Profile Information page, edit your email address in the email field, and click "Save."

(Please note: If you encounter the message "The email you specified already is being used in the system..." please refer to the instructions here for (Merging Usernames Together.)

To Change Your Username in ArbiterSports (For users associated with only one group in Arbiter):

  1.  Sign in to your ArbiterSports Admin account at
  2.  Click on your Settings tab.
  3. Click on the Profile sub-tab.
  4. Edit your email address in the email field, and click the "Save" button on the right side.
User-added image

(Please note: If you encounter the message "The email you specified already is being used in the system..." please refer to the instructions here for (Merging Usernames Together.)




To Change Your Password in ArbiterSports

1.   Log in to your ArbiterSports Admin account on
2.   If you are a member in more than one account, sign in to one of your groups.
3.   Click the Settings tab.
4.   Click on the Password sub-tab.

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5.   Type in your current password.
6.   Type in the password you would like to use in both the provided "New Password" and "Confirm Password" text boxes.
7.   Click the change button.

This will change your password for all accounts listed under the email address you use to sign in with.


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