USSF Integration

ArbiterSports has recently announced a new integration with the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) that will allow assigners to track officials' USSF certification statuses through eligibility. With this new feature, you will be able to quickly and easily see which officials are certified and which ones may need additional training or certification. Follow the steps below to learn how you can start utilizing the USSF integration.

Setting up an Eligibility
  1. Click on Eligibility tab.
  2. Click Create Eligibility Period or use the “+” button in the upper right-hand corner.
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  1. Fill in the specific information for this eligibility period:
    1. Give your eligibility period a name (Ex. 2023-24 Season).
    2. Group your eligibility period by date range or school year. Date range is most commonly used.
    3. Choose open and close dates for this eligibility period.
    4. Click Create.
  1. Add your different eligibilities.
    1. This can either be broken into different categories or everything can be built under one eligibility.
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  1. Once your Eligibilities have been built, it’s time to add your different Eligibility tiers.
    1. Tiers can be arranged to fit a certain order of hierarchy. The official will show the highest level of achieved tier.
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  1. Add your requirements to your tiers.
    1. Select USSF Certification as requirement
    2. Choose type of USSF Certification (Coach, Referee, or Safety)
    3. Select name of USSF Certification
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Monitoring Eligibility
  1. Click on Monitor Eligibility subtab.
  2. Search for an official to view the official's eligibility
  3. Select the Official to open up their profile to view current eligibilities
    1. Eligible officials will show a completed status and if applicable, an expiration date for the specific eligibility requirement
    2. Ineligible officials will show a red "X" indicating that the official has not yet completed the specific eligibility requirement
    3. Badges for completed eligibilities will show on the left-hand side under the official's personal information
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