Reviewing Messages Previously Sent
- 1. To view any messages previously sent to participants affiliated with a report, navigate to your Reports tab in the blue menu bar at the top of the screen, and click Registrations from the drop-down. Locate the Report in question and select Messages from the drop-down to the right of your Report, next to the Table View button.
- 2. You will see a list of all messages which have been sent in relation to this particular report. The view will show you the Message Date/Time it was composed and sent, the Message Subject the Sender, the number of Recipients, and a View button. Select the View button to the right of the Message you would like to review more closely.
- 3. The next view shows the Message's Subject Line, a list of the Participants it was sent to, the delivery Status, and a View button, which will allow you to view the details of the Message itself.
- 4. Clicking the View button will display a window with a copy of the actual Message sent to the respective Participant. When you are finished reviewing, select the X in the top right-hand corner.
Learn how to send messages to participants from a report by reading this article.
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