Student Registration - Create an Internal Field

An Internal Field allows you to add information about a registration for internal use only. You can use internal fields to track information such as: 

  • Date of last physical
  • Team placement
  • Eligibility
  • Any other information that you want to be able to view and share within your organization

You may also choose to associate the data you enter with future registrations for that participant.


How To Create an Internal Field:

1. Click on the number in the FILLED oval for the program, or click on the drop-down arrow next to the Edit button and select Registrations.

2. You will see an alphabetical list of the registrations for this program. Click on the Internal Fields button in the top right corner of the page. 

3. Click on Add/Edit  Internal Fields.

4. Select the  Create Internal Field button on the top right corner of the page. 

5. Enter the name of the internal field and select the field type. There are several different Internal Field types to select from:
  • Text Field: a small text box for one line of text
  • Text Area: a larger text area for a paragraph of text
  • Date: A date field formatted as mm/dd/yyyy
  • Expiration Date: Date + time period
  • Date Range:  Start and End dates formatted mm/dd/yyyy
  • Multiple Choice: Select multiple answers from a pre-defined list
  • Single Choice: Select one answer from a pre-defined list
  • File: Ability to upload a document 

6. You have the option to: 'Apply data to future registrations' and 'Allow participants to see this data'.

If you choose 'Apply data to future registrations', the data you input on a registration will be associated with the participant's future registrations on any program using this internal field. 

If you choose 'Allow participants to see this data', registrants will be able to see the data you entered when viewing their registration.

7. Once an Internal Field is created, you will want to assign it to a program. From your list of Internal Fields, click on the # under Assigned to Programs.

8. The Assign To Program modal window appears. Check off the programs you wish to assign your Internal Field to and then click on Save.

9. When you finish creating your Internal Fields and assigning them to your programs, you will now be able to use them.


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