Student Registration - Internal Field Type: Expiration Date

We offer an Internal Field type called 'Expiration Date' which allows you to input a date (such as a physical date) into an Internal Field and then select a time interval to calculate when this date will expire. You also have the ability to send a reminder of the expiration to yourself and/or the family.


Watch a video on using internal fields

Here's how to set it up:

1. Log in to your Arbiter Registration organization account. Click on the Organization tab at the top in the blue navigation bar.

User-added image

2. Click Internal Fields and then click Create Internal Field.

3. Select Expiration Date as your field type which will prompt a few more fields.

NOTE: If you already have a date field as an Internal Field and you'd like to change it to an expiration date field, click Edit on the Internal Field and change the field type to Expiration Date.


4. Enter an interval to calculate when the date will expire.

  • For example, if physicals are valid in your state for 12 months, you may input 1 Year(s) or toggle over to input 12 Month(s). The expiration date will then be calculated based on the date you enter in the internal field on a student's individual registration.

5. Next, choose how many days prior to expiration you'd like to be notified, and you can also choose who receives this reminder. The reminder can be sent to your organization, the participant's account email, or both. You can include a custom note with the reminder, giving families next-step instructions.
6. Decide if you'd like this data to apply to future registrations and whether you want families to be able to see this field.
7. Click Save Internal Field.


Now that you have created the Internal Field, the next step is to assign it to a program.

1. Select the number listed under the 'Assigned to Programs' heading for that Internal Field to assign it to a program. Select any programs you'd like the field assigned to and click Save to confirm your selection.

2. At this point, the Internal Field has been created and assigned to a program. We can now input data into the field to see it at work. Go to the Programs tab and click the Filled number in the oval associated with the program you assigned the internal field.


3. Click the down arrow next to the View button on a student's registration and select Edit to see your Internal Fields and input information.

4. Under the 'Internal Fields' heading, you will see the expiration date field we created. In this example, we will input the date of the student's physical and the system will calculate its expiration date based on the criteria we gave when we created the field.
5. Click Save and Continue to confirm your selection(s).


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