Travel Fees & Per Diems (Creating, Cascading, Editing, & Deleting)

Travel fees can be added to positions in mass. Below are instructions to add, cascade, edit, and delete travel fees through the Travel Fees page as well as tips and troubleshooting steps.

How to Create Travel Fees
How to Mark Games as Pay Travel

How to Cascade Travel Fees
How to Edit Travel Fees
How to Delete Travel Fees
Tips & Troubleshooting


Create Travel Fees

  1. Sign in to your ArbiterSports Admin account.
  2. Click on the Payroll tab.
  3. Click Travel Fees under the officials category.
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  1. Click New Rule on the right side of the page.
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  1. Enter a name for the Travel Fee.
  2. Select a Sport, Level, and Position from the drop-down menus. This will decide which slots the fee will apply to.
  3. Under Bill-To and Site, you can select any Bill-Tos or sites that the travel fee solely applies to.
  4. Check the Game Status box if you only want the fee to apply if the game status is Normal (the travel fee will not apply to games that are marked as a rainout, canceled, forfeit, suspended,  or postponed).
  5. Select if the travel fee will apply to all officials, officials marked as the driver, or farthest.
    • Driver: With this option selected, the travel fee will only apply to slots marked as Driver on games. You can mark the other officials as riders if they’re not the driver and don’t get travel pay. Only assigners can mark officials as drivers, officials cannot mark themselves as the driver.
    • Farthest: With this option selected, the travel fee will only apply to the furthest official on a game. The system looks at each official's distance from their starting postal code to the game site's postal code and whichever official is furthest will get the travel fee.
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  1. Click Next to continue to the rate selection step:

  1. Select the Fee Type: Mileage or Flat.
    • Flat Fee: Set a single fee per game.
    • Mileage Rate: Set a single per-mile fee. You are also able to hit MORE OPTONS drop down and input a fee based on miles ( Ex: 1-20 miles = $10, 20-50 miles = $15, etc)
  2. (Optional) Add a Per-Diem amount to be paid per day.
  3. (Optional) Add Bill-To and Site Exceptions, if any exist.
    • Bill-To Exceptions: Add for each Bill-to that has a different flat fee amount to be paid per game.
    • Site Exceptions: Add for each Site that has a different flat fee amount to be paid per game.
  4. Click Save once finished.


Mark Games as Pay Travel

Important: Travel fees will only apply to slots marked as "Pay Travel" on games.

  1. Go to the Schedule tab in your Admin account.
  2. Filter for the games that the travel fees will need to apply to. Learn how to filter games in this article: Filtering Games
  3. You can either mass update all slots on the games to Pay Travel or individually update the slots to Pay Travel on each game:
    1. Mass Update: Do this if all or most slots on your filtered games will be paid travel.
      1. Check the boxes next to the games that need to be marked Pay Travel.
      2. Click Update on the left side under Utilities.
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  1. Check the box next to Pay Travel and change to Yes.
  2. Click Update.
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  1. Individually update by editing the game slots: Do this if certain games/slots will be paid travel.
    1. Click to open the slots on the game.
    2. Click on the edit pencil next to the slot that needs to be paid travel.
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  1. Check the Pay Travel box. If needed, you can also mark the slot as Driver or Rider using the Travel Info drop-down. This is useful if you need to tell the system to only apply a travel fee to slots marked as "Driver."
  2. Click Save.
  3. Repeat for all slots that will be paid travel.
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  1. Individually update by editing the game report: Do this if certain games/slots will be paid travel.
    1. On the far right side of the game, click the game report icon.
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  1. Next to the desired positions, check the Pay Travel box and click Save.
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Sport/Level Position settings
If a travel fee is applicable to a specific position for all games, you can easily update that position for your entire group and it will also update existing games.

  1. Go to the Resources tab and go to the positions for the sport and level.
    1. On the sports page, go to the far-right side and click on the levels next to the sport.
    2. On the levels page, go to the far-right and click on the positions next to the level.
  2. Click the edit pencil on the left side next to the position.
  3. Check the Pay Travel box under the Payroll section and click Save.
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Cascade Travel Fees

  1. Go to the Schedule tab in your Admin account on
  2. Filter for the games to cascade the travel fee to. Learn how to filter games in this article: Filtering Games
  3. Check the boxes next to the games that need to be updated.
  4. Under Utilities on the left, click Recalc Travel. This utility will recalculate all of the travel fees for the games you have selected.
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  1. Click the Begin RecalcTravel button. A message "Travel pay recalculation is done." will appear once the task has completed.

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How to Edit Travel Fees

  1. Go to the Payroll tab in your Admin account on
  2. Click on Travel Fees under the Officials section.
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  1. Click the edit pencil icon.
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How to Delete Travel Fees

  1. Go to the Payroll tab in your Admin account on
  2. Click on Travel Fees under the Officials section.
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  1. Click the trash can icon to delete.
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Tips and Troubleshooting

  1. In the Sport/Level/Position section of the Add Travel Fee Rule page, a message will indicate if a fee has already been created for that combination.
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    • If a red "Combo already exists" message appears, there is already a travel fee created and will need to be edited from the main Travel Fees page. If a green "Combo available" message appears, there is not a travel fee and it is available to be created.


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