Simple Pay

Getting to Simple Pay

  1. Sign in to your ArbiterGame account on
  2. Click on the Payroll tab.
  3. Click the Simple Pay sub-tab. 
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Making Payments

To make a payment:

  1. Click the +Payment button at the top of the page.
  1. Select Pay To: pay a person or an opponent.
    1. Note:  If you choose to pay a person, you will be able to pay any worker or official in your account. See Adding and Editing Officials in ArbiterGame and Manage Event Workers.
  2. Start typing the name of the Person or Opponent that you would like to pay.
    1. Note:  You can only select payees who have an ArbiterPay account (for opponents, this requires a Receiving account).
  3. Choose the Sport.
  4. Enter the Amount to pay.  If you would like to enter a game fee, per diem, or travel fee, select the payment details link.
  5. Add any Notes that you would like to appear on the description in ArbiterPay.
  6. Select the Account to pay out of and enter your ArbiterPay account PIN.
  7. Choose to Pay Now or Pay Later.
    1. Note:  Selecting Pay Now will send the money immediately.  Pay Later allows you to create the payment and submit later (see below).

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Pay Later

With Simple Pay, you can have one person at your school create a payment and another release the funds.  After following the Make Payments steps, choose the Pay Later option.  Once the payment is created, the dollar sign will show in black and there will be a checkbox to the left of the payment.  Follow these instructions to transfer funds.

  1. Check the box next to the previously created Payment you need to pay.
  2. Click on the Action drop-down menu.
  3. Choose the option to Pay.
  4. Confirm the total Amount.
  5. Select the Account to pay out of.
  6. Enter your Security Key.
  7. Click the Pay button.
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When it comes time to reconcile and audit payments, you can run a quick report to view all Simple Payments.  To view the payments, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Reports tab.
  2. Under the Financial section, choose the Simple Pay Payments report.
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  1. Choose the Dates, Sport, and Paid Status that you would like to export.
  2. Click "Export to Excel."
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