Student Registration - Add an Administrative Fee to Your Program

Did you know? You can add an Administrative Fee to your program to recoup the cost of online processing for each registration. The fee will be a percentage that you specify and will be applied to the sum total of the cost of each registration.

Note: If you have been using an “add-on” for this purpose, we recommend deselecting the add-on and utilizing this Administrative Fee feature.


1. Log in to your Arbiter Registration organization account and select Programs from the blue navigation bar at the top of the screen.

2. Click the Edit button next to the program you want to update. This will direct you to the Program Editing Wizard. 

User-added image

3. Select tab 6, Payment.      

User-added image

4. The default percentage is 0.00%, or no fee. To add a fee, enter a percentage up to two decimal places for your Administrative fee calculation. The percentage will be applied to the total cost of each registration for this program. 

Please note that your payment processor (i.e. My School Bucks, PayPal, Stripe, etc.) will automatically apply their processing fee when payment is received into your account. Set your administrative fee percentage accordingly.

5. You can discount the Administrative fee when registration is completed using a particular payment method.  
Select Edit on the payment method you'd like to discount.
 Within the  Edit Payment Methods window, select the checkbox to the left of the  Deduct Administrative fee when this payment method is used and choose Save.
 When completing registration using this payment method, the Administrative fee will be deducted or removed, from the registration. 
If the registrant changes from a payment method where the Administrative fee is deducted, to a payment method where the Administrative fee applies, the fee will be readded to the registration. 


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