Student Registration Table View Versus Page View (Orgs)

FamilyID offers two different formats by which you may view the data that you collect in reports: Table View and Page View. When you create a report, you will indicate the 'default view' - the view you best represents the information collected. However, viewers of reports may alternate between these two view options at will.

Setting or Editing the Default Report View

From the Report edit page, scroll down to the section, Report Settings. Here you will set the Default report view. Once you make your selection, Table View or Page View, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the blue Save & View button.


The 'default' Default report view is Table View

Selecting this option will present your report data in the form of a table or spreadsheet. Notice that when 'viewing' the report, the selection is also listed toward the top right corner of your page.

The other viewing option is Page View. This view is best utilized with data heavy reports where it would be challenging to read all the data from left to right in a spreadsheet, such as comprehensive health histories or emergency cards. It allows you to group all the data you wish to review for a registrant on a single page or two per participant. Here is what that selection and view look like:


If at any point while reading a report you wish to change the view, you may do so by selecting the down arrow to the right of the report view at the top right of the page, and then selecting the alternate view from the drop-down menu.

You will see the view change and the new view format will again be indicated at the top right.

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