Student Registration - Using an Internal Field

Once an Internal Field is created and assigned to a program, you may start entering data into your internal Feld(s) by:


Enter data into an internal field, individually or in bulk:

1. Click on the number in the Filled oval for the program you wish to enter internal field data for, or hover over the Filled number and select a specific section to just see those registrations. You can also update internal fields through the 'Reports' tab by selecting the name of your report and following the same steps.


2. Select at least one registration using the checkbox on the left as this presents an Edit/Email Selected window. You can update multiple registrations at once by selecting multiple checkboxes.
3. Within the Edit/Email Selected window, click the drop-down Choose Internal Field and select the internal field you wish to update.

4. You can update multiple internal fields at once by continuing to use the Choose Internal Field drop-down. Once you select one internal field you are prompted with another Choose Internal Field box. You can select from the remaining internal fields and update those accordingly. You will be prompted with enough Choose Internal Field boxes to update all internal fields assigned to this program.
5. Click Update when complete.   

Enter data into an internal field individually by editing the registration:

1. When viewing your registrations through the Filled Number, scroll to the right and click the down arrow associated with the VIEW button associated with the registration you are looking to update, and click Edit.

2.  Under the Internal Fields heading, you will find the Internal Fields assigned to your program.

3. Enter the appropriate data in the Internal Field(s) for the individual registration. Then click Save and Continue to save your changes.
  • NOTE: Any Internal field whose name is displayed in RED can be viewed by the family.


Update your Registrations View to display Internal Fields:

1. When viewing your registration list through the filled number, you can update the default fields that display to include internal fields by selecting the Table View button in the top-right corner and selectingEdit in the drop-down menu.

2. Select any fields you would like to add by check-marking the field. Deselect any fields by unchecking. Internal fields appear towards the bottom of the Choose Fields area.

3. Click Save and View to see your registration list. This will update the view for the entire program and all of its sections. Click Save Changes.

4. Now that Internal Fields are displayed as part of your view, you can update them by clicking right into the internal field's column for a particular registration. Enter data into the field and select the Update button to save this change.

Below is a list of the different internal fields data types:

  1. Text Field: a small text box for one line of text 
  2. Text Area: a larger text box for a paragraph of text
  3. Date: A date field formatted as mm/dd/yyyy
  4. Expiration Date: Date + time period
  5. Date Range:  Start and End dates formatted mm/dd/yyyy
  6. Multiple Choice: Select multiple answers from a pre-defined list
  7. Single Choice: Select only one answer from a pre-defined list
  8. File: Upload a document from your computer 


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