Student Registration - Cloning a Program

When using the Clone feature, you want to clone your MOST RECENT registration form, not a form from last year. This is because your most recent form likely has the most up-to-date questions, changes, and text.

For example: If you are running Fall, Winter, and Spring programs DO NOT use last year's Fall Program to create your new Fall program. You want to use your most recent SPRING form as your template because your most recent Spring form has your updated health questions, parent agreements, etc.


Cloning Step-by-Step

1. Locate the program you'd like to clone on your Programs page. Click on the down arrow next to Edit and select CLONE from the drop-down menu. We recommend cloning your most recent program so that you are duplicating your latest changes and text.

2. A message box will appear with a reminder to review all information and you may need to update Academic Year for GRADE on the Participant tab.

3. Click on each of the eight tabs and update any information that has changed. In the '(1) Description' tab, change the program name and any program overview text.

*Don't forget to click the Save or Save and Continue button on the bottom of each page after making any changes.

4. In the '(2) Sections' tab, edit each section or delete your old sections and add new ones. To delete all of the existing sections, click on the white 'Delete Sections' button.

5. Click 'Select all' and all sections will be selected. Click Delete.

6. You can now add your new Sections. Section name, as well as start date and end date are required. You may also want to edit/add the section price, space limit, section dates, etc. Hit the SAVE button when you have completed your edits. Once you have added all your sections, you can drag them up or down to reorder them.


7. Check each of the next tabs (ie. (3) Add-On, (4) Participant, (5) Agreements, (6) Payment, (7) Discovery)  to make sure all the information is accurate for your new program.
(*Please note: 'Options' is now called 'Add-ons.' If you used Options in the past for custom questions, you can now use our Custom Fields feature on the participant tab.)
8. After reviewing each tab, continue to tab '(8) Publishing.' This is where you will set your start and end dates to make your registration form public and open. Be sure to select the date, hour, and minutes from the calendar. We recommend keeping your program public for at least one week after your registration end date to show when registration has closed.
9. Review the form and make sure it is all correct. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click the "APPROVE AND SAVE" button to publish your registration form.

10. Now that your program is open, you are prompted to 'Tweet' the link to your form. Select 'Click to Tweet', which will open Twitter in a new tab. Log-in to Twitter, and once logged-in, a pre-populated tweet with the link to your form will display. If you would rather not 'Tweet' the link to your form, select the 'X' in the top-right corner of the "Click to Tweet" window.
11. You will now be directed back to your main Programs page. A green bar will appear that says "Changes saved." You can see that your program is PUBLIC and registration is OPEN. You can put your cursor over the PUBLIC and OPEN statuses to see your start and end dates, or click on the link to go back and edit publishing dates.


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