Student Registration - Organize, Sort, and Edit Reports

Edit fields directly in the table view:

You can edit a registration's different statuses and internal fields directly in the table by clicking on the appropriate box.

Re-order your columns by drag & drop:

Directly from your table view, you can click and drag to re-order how your columns appear.

Sort columns by clicking on the column header:

By selecting the column header on ANY displayed field, sort in ascending or descending order.

Edit more than one registration at a time by selecting the checkbox and selecting status updates OR internal field updates:

Update multiple statuses and/or internal fields at once without delving into the full registration. Even update this information for multiple registrants at a time. Select at least one registration using the checkboxes on the left to make these updates.

View or edit a full registration directly from your report:

When viewing a report, you now have the ability to View or Edit a full registration by utilizing the VIEW or EDIT buttons on the right.

Customize the way you view your registrations list:

Customize the way you view your registrations list the same way you would a report by going through the Filled Number, selecting Table View at the top of the page and choosing EDIT in the drop-down menu. Update your displayed fields and sorting options, this will update the view for that particular program and all of its sections going forward.


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