Student Registration - Paying Online through MySchoolBucks

1. On the Summary view of your registration, carefully read the instructions in the Payment Details area and select the appropriate blue button for your payment. 
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2. Select the appropriate blue  'Proceed to Payment' button and follow the steps to complete the payment transaction.

3. You'll now be redirected to MySchoolBucks. Either log-in to an existing MySchoolBucks account or choose 'Continue as Guest'. Ahora serás redirigido a MySchoolBucks. Inicie sesión en una cuenta de MySchoolBucks existente o elija 'Continuar como invitado' ( 'Continue as Guest').

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4. If you continue as a guest, select 'Credit Card' to input your card details.

Si continúa como invitado, seleccione 'Credit Card' para ingresar los detalles de su tarjeta.

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5. Input your card and billing details and choose Continue.

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6. You'll be brought to a summary screen. Click Continue to complete your payment.

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7. Once complete, you'll be redirected to your completed registration in Arbiter Registration and will receive a confirmation email from both ArbiterSports and MySchoolBucks.
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