Student Registration - Set Age and Grade Limitations

Do you need to make sure that your athletes meet age eligibility requirements? Do you offer different activities to participants based on their grade or age range? Arbiter Registration allows you to set age and grade parameters to alert you when participants do not meet your requirements.


Set Age and Grade Limitations

1. Log in to your Arbiter Registration account and select Programs from the blue navigation bar at the top of the screen.

User-added image


2. Select the Edit button next to the program you want to update. This will direct you to the Program Editing Wizard.


3. Select tab 2 (Sections) in the Program Editing Wizard. Click the Edit button next to the Section for which you wish to add the Age/Grade Limitation. If you haven't created a Section yet, please check out our Create a New Section help article for more information.


4. Scroll to the bottom of the Sections window where you'll see the Set Age Limitation and Set Grade Limitation options.


5. To set an Age Limitation, enter the date for which you'd like to calculate a participant's age. Participants will need to fall within your designated age range as of this date. For example, if participants in your program must be at least 12 years of age and no older than 15 years of age when the camp begins on August 1, 2022, you would take the following steps:
  • Enter 8/1/2022 in the date field
  • Set a Starting from age: of 12 years and an Up to (not including): age of 15 years 

All participants under 12 years of age and all participants 15 years of age and older will be identified for you. 


6. To set a Grade Limitation, simply select a Minimum and Maximum grade. For example, if your section is available to 7th and 8th graders then select a Minimum grade of 7 and a Maximum grade of 8. If your Section is only available to 8th graders, set a Minimum and Maximum of 8.


PLEASE NOTE: Registrants who DO NOT meet your age and/or grade requirements can still complete and submit a registration to your organization. However, the registrant will be warned that they do not meet the requirements and that their registration may not be accepted. If they choose to submit the registration, this registration will be flagged for your organization with red text and an alert icon. Click the icon to see further details. The organization can change the section selected or cancel the registration.


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