Adding Opponents

Adding Opponents

  1. In your ArbiterGame account, click on the Resources tab.
  2. Go to the Opponents sub-tab.
    1. The screen that appears shows any opponents you currently have set up. Any additional opponents you add will be listed here.
  3. Click +Add/Remove Opponents.
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  1. Next, the "Subscribe to Opponents" window opens featuring schools located in the vicinity of your school’s postal code. You can change the radius (in miles) as well as the zip code to find opponents outside of your area. Make sure to click "Find Opponents" when changing the radius or postal code.
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  1. Check the boxes next to all of your opponents that you wish to add.
    1. In some cases, the wording of a school can be different than what you have. Check the address under the School's name to see if they match with your information.
    2. If a school says Inactive, this means they are not an active school in ArbiterGame.
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  1. If an opponent is not listed, click "I can’t find an Opponent I’m looking for" located at the bottom. Please email missing opponents to Include the legal name, address, city, state, and postal code for the school.
  2. Once you have selected all of your opponents, click I’m Done Subscribing To Opponents.
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